Part 1: Molecular Biology Search and Analysis

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3D-ALI - Database relating Proteins Structures and Sequences (see Documentation) at EMBL-Heidelberg 
 AA Analysis  - Protein Identification in SwissProt and PIR using Amino Acid Composition at EMBL-Heidelberg 

 AA CompIdent - Protein Identification in SwissProt using Amino Acid Composition at ExPASy, Switzerland 

 AA CompSim - Compare the Amino Acid Composition of a SwissProt Entry with Other Entries at ExPASy, Switzerland 

 AA Sequence Analysis - Multiple Analysis of a Native or Modified Amino Acid Sequence at Rockefeller U. 

 AbCheck - Test an Antibody Sequence Against the Kabat Database at U. College-London, UK 

 ALIGN - Optimal Global Alignment of Two Sequences with No Short-cuts at EERIE-Nimes, France and Align at MIPS, Germany 

 AllAll - Relationships in a Set of Related Peptides at ETH-Zürich, Switzerland 

 AllAllDB - Search the All-Against-All Database of SwissProt at ETH-Zürich, Switzerland 

 AMAS - Analysis of Protein Multiple Sequence Alignments at U. Oxford, UK 

 ASC - Analytic Surface Calculation of PDB Protein Structures at EMBL-Heidelberg 

 ATLAS - Search DNA and Protein Sequence Databases at MIPS, Germany 

 BCM Search Launcher at

 BEAUTY - BLAST Enhanced Alignment Utility (see Documentation) at Baylor College of Medicine 

 BERLIN - RNA Databank of 5S rRNA and 5S rRNA Gene Sequences at CAOS/CAMM, The Netherlands 

 BIOACCELERATOR at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 

 - Multiple Access to Biological Servers at OCMS-Oxford 

 Biological Units - Expanded PDB Entries with Full Biological Units at Brookhaven National Laboratory 

 Biologist's Search Palette - Collection of Search Engines for Biological Databases at Oxford U., UK 

 BLAST - Basic Local Alignment Research Tool at NCBI, BLAST (hiv, vector, etc) at Stanford U., BLAST at GenomeNet, Japan, BLAST at EERIE-Nimes, France, BLAST at CRIHAN, France BLAST (with Entrez and SRS Links) at Baylor College of Medicine and BLAST at EPFL, Switzerland 

 BLASTPAT - BLAST-based Pattern Database Search (see Documentation) at Baylor College of Medicine 

 BLITZ (see Documentation) at EMBL-Heidelberg and BLITZ at EBI, UK 

 BLOCKS - Database of Highly Conserved Regions in Proteins  and BLOCKS-WAIS  at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, BLOCKS at EMBL-Heidelberg and BLOCKS-Search w/ search from Iowa State 

 BioMagResBank - A Database of NMR-Derived Protein Structures at BIMAS-NIH 

 BioSCAN - Biological Sequence Comparative Analysis at U. North Caroline 

 BMCD - Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database at CARB 

 BOXSHADE - Pretty Printing and Shading of Multiple-Sequence Alignments at ISREC, Switzerland 

 CATH - Protein Structure Classification at UCL-London, UK 

 CLUSTALW - Multiply Sequence Alignments at IBC-Washington U. 

 Codon Usage - Analysis of Different ORFs in a Gene Sequence at U. Minnesota 

 Coils - Prediction of Coiled Coil Regions in Protein Sequences at ISREC, Switzerland 

 CpGIsle - CpG Islands Database at BEN, Belgium 

 Darwin - Data Analysis and Retrieval With Indexed Nucleotide/Peptide Sequences at ETH-Zürich, Switzerland 

 dbEST - Database of Expressed Sequence Tags at NCBI 

 DBGET - Integrated Database Retrieval System (w/ diagram links) at GenomeNet, Japan 

 DDBJ - DNA Database of Japan at National Institute of Genetics, Japan 

 Dot Plot - Compare a DNA Sequence with Itself at U. Minnesota 

 DrugBank - Three-dimensional Drug Structure Databank at NIH 

 DSSP - Database of Secondary Structure of Proteins from PDB (see Documentation) at EMBL-Heidelberg 

 EC Enzyme at Johns Hopkins and EC Number Table at GenomeNet, Japan and GenoBase Enzyme Index at NIH 

 ECDC - E. coli Database Collection at Uni-Gießen, Germany 

 EMBL - Nucleotide Sequence Database and EMBL-New Entries at EMBnet-Basel 

 EMNEW - Index of New EMBL Sequences at EBI, UK 

EMP Compound and EMP Pathways - Selkov Enzyme and Metabolic Pathway (EMP) Database at NIH 

 EMP Metabolic Pathways - Navigation in Metabolic Pathways from MCS-Computational Biology at Argonne National Laboratory 

 ENTREZ - Protein and Nucleotide Database (see Documentation) at NCBI 

 ENZYME - The Enzyme Data Bank at ExPASy, Switzerland